How to make it a December to remember this holiday season?


How to make it a December to remember this holiday season?

And just like that, we are again facing the end of another year. December is a magical time when the intensity of the energy vibrations across the globe is really high.In order to focus on the positive, pleasant and creative experiences, as well as to feel the joy and the euphoria of the upcoming happy moments, we should prepare ourselves. The end of the month is a perfect time to clean our home, our body and our mind. This is the season to spread the love around you and to give to others that are in need.

How to do that?


In order to give around positive energy, you must clean yourself first. Get rid of the old and unnecessary items and things that you haven’t used for a long time. This will clear a place for the new and the fresh thing that is on your way. All the holidays that are celebrated around the world during December are focused on the good deeds, love, family and friends which can be done by supporting and helping the people around us. So allows yourself at this moment to helps others give back to charity all the thing that are no longer serves you. Now is the best time to be generous. Get rid of the chaos and the mess by arranging everything at your place. Harmony at home brings harmony and balance to your thoughts and deeds.Your body, your mind and your spirit are in constant connection with your home. As you clean and arrange your home, do not neglect your true self. Get rid of old financial obligations; unpleasant and unnecessary emotions and thoughts; refresh your body and mind by directing your attention to beautiful and pleasant thoughts, feelings and experiences.

The joy of giving


Whatever you do to others, you do to yourself, many spiritual traditions preach that, especially at this time of the year. As we give to others, we are creating conditions to receive. Аs you give to those in need, you are planting seeds for your own nourishment. Additionally, when we do something for someone else, the heart center becomes activated. The important thing during this last period of this year is to understand that we are part of a bigger story. And as yogis, our mission is to uplift everyone and try to make the world a better place.  We can’t do that without loving-kindness, generosity, and giving to others.The practice of giving, or dana in Pali, has a preeminent place in the teachings of the Buddha.Dana refers to the act of giving and to the donation itself. The Buddha used the word cage to refer to the inner virtue of generosity that ensures that dana is connected to the Path. This use of cage is particularly significant because it also means “relinquishment” or “renunciation.”In the teaching of the Buddha, the practice of giving claims a place of special eminence, one which singles it out as being in a sense the foundation and seed of spiritual development.The Buddha understood giving to be a powerful source of merit with long-term benefits both in this life and in lives to come

Different types of giving

For Hindus, dana (giving) is an important part of one’s dharma (religious duty). Dharma has a wide variety of meanings such as eternal law, duty, conduct, behaviour, morality and righteousness. Each person has a dharma towards family, society, the world and all living things. Any giving that is motivated by selfish considerations loses its value from the spiritual point of view.All kinds of holidays are upon us, the whole world is celebrating. Be mindfulness, be generous to all people around you, and don’t forget that the most needed thing from all is simply LOVE.

FlyHighYoga Team

The FlyHighYoga Team is a team of experienced yoga teachers, ready to share their broad knowledge with the world.


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